Best Hair Tips That Pro Stylists Have Ever Evergiven

What’s the best hair tips that professional stylists have ever told us? Well, one of the things that they’ve all told us over again is to use a high quality oil-free, heat-saving flat-iron. Yet when we’re asked if we need to use a hair dryer to refresh frizzy, lifeless curls, most people nod their heads in agreement and then laugh. “What, can’t I use hot water from a hair dryer to shake out my curls?” they ask.

Let’s take a closer look at this popular myth. Yes, it’s true that you can use a hair dryer to refresh curls, provided your hair-dryer is a high quality device. But you don’t need to use a hair dryer at all. In fact, when you use hot water from a hair dryer to wash natural, frizzy, curly locks, you are setting yourself up for disaster. There are too many dangers involved with using hot water to try a hair dryer to refresh curls.

First, it will dry your hair out to the point where the natural oils in your hair begin to run low. This is a definite no-no when you want to use hot-water to style your hair. Secondly, using hot water from a hair dryer to style frizzy, curly locks will result in extreme damage to your hair. Believe me, I know because I’ve done it a dozen times and burned through my beautiful tresses.

To style your hair without risking your tresses, use a wide-toothed comb and start with a fine-toothed comb move your brush slowly from the ends of your hair brushing in a circular pattern to create a gentle wave. You don’t want to use a lot of pressure while combing your hair as this may cause frizziness and damage to your hair. Next use a hair-dryer to style your hair as if you were drying your hair with your hands. Comb the ends of your hair gently starting from the scalp. As you brush from the scalp to the tips of your hair, blow-dry your hair until it’s cool to the touch then use a hair-dryer to finish the Grooming style. To make your hair frizz free, finish the style with a spray gel which helps to seal the moisture into your hair.

If you want the best hair tips that pro stylists have ever given, use a deep-dryer to dry your hair but use very little heat. A quality dryer has a button on the side that allows you to control the heat. Using the hottest settings you should be able to dry your hair within ten seconds or less. You can also use a hair-dryer but use the low settings.

Styling products are essential to give your hair the definition, body and shine it needs. When choosing styling products you need to be aware of the ingredients. Try to avoid mineral oil as it will clog your pores and strip your hair of natural oils. It is best to choose hair-styling products such as mousse, gels, hairspray and waxes which are hypoallergenic and are made from natural ingredients. If you use these types of products you shouldn’t need to go to the salon for a haircut. You can also use these products at home and style your hair however and whenever you want.

If you want to have the best hair tips that pro stylists have ever given, use a hair-dryer that has an attachment for wet-drying. This way you don’t have to wait for the hair-dryer to get hot. Dry your hair naturally but use hair-styling tools such as a flat-iron and a blow dryer on a low setting. Avoid using any heat-activated hair-straighteners as they will cause your hair to become dry and brittle. Balayage

If you use hot styling tools you might end up burning and damaging your hair so always use tools that have the switch to the low heat option. There are many styling products such as gels, mousses, hairspray and creams which are heat sensitive. If you are going for something different try experimenting with these products. Experiment by using different textures and applying them to your hair-different strokes and methods will give your hair different looks and will also open up your understanding of how to style hair the best way. There are no specific rules but most of all relax; enjoy yourself!